We offer customized services for commercial real estate owners and property managers who are interested in taking advantage of our multifamily ownership experience (36 properties since 1985).
Real Estate Tax Assessment Review and Appeals
- Real estate taxes are often the single largest component of operating expenses for income-producing real estate, representing between 20-30% of total annual property operating expenses.
- As fellow property owners, we understand how expensive it is to own and operate income-producing real estate. Therefore, we will work tirelessly to ensure a reduction in your property tax bill.
- We have a proven track record of lowering real estate tax assessments by 25%+/ per year for clients.
- This success has come via presenting complex, sophisticated arguments in all stages of the appeal process and working hand in hand with appraisers and lawyers when appropriate.
- Our expertise in the preparation of Income and Expense Questionnaires has also translated into significant reductions in our clients’ assessments. Real Estate Tax Accounting has its own set of books. Income and expense adjustments are critical to a successful reduction and we know what works and simply, what does not.
- The reduction in assessments translates into lower property taxes, higher property NOI and increased cash flow to the owner.

In order to determine the feasibility of a property tax appeal, all we need is the following:
- Year-end financial statement
- Property tax assessment with the commercial worksheet
- 24 hours to turn it around

Asset Management
This service is designed for clients interested in maximizing the performance of their investment in their properties through the following ways:
- Property management oversight
- Evaluation of debt refinancing opportunities
- Property sales
- Recapitalization of existing invested equity
We have over forty years of experience doing this for our own properties and therefore are very familiar with the best techniques for how to optimize the performance of a particular property.